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Register a New Student

New Student Information

Register a New Student

New Student Information

Steps to register a new student at Irmo High School

  1. Click this online registration link to begin the registration process.

  • Click this online registration link to begin the registration process. 

2. Please upload proof of residency in Final Forms under the Proof of Residence document. The following must be submitted:

Acceptable Documentation ( One Required )

  • Property Tax Bill for the permanent residence

  • Rental Lease (complete copy, listing all occupants) Both the tenant and landlord's signatures are required

  • Real Estate Closing Documents (where applicable)

Additional Documentation Include ( Two Required)

  • Vehicle Tax Registration

  • Voter Registration Card

  • Electric Bill

  • Water Bill

  • Telephone Bill

  • Cable/Satellite Bill


A  driver’s  license   is  required  from  the   parent  or  legal  guardian    for identification purposes only. IDs cannot be accepted as documentation for address verification.


**If you are a family living with another family, please review the ** Affidavits for Family living with Family section below for information on additional documents needed for Proof of Residence.

3.  Upon successful completion of online registration and the receipt of acceptable Proof of Residence, official records will be requested from the student’s previous school.

4.  Upon receipt of official records from the previous school, parents/guardians will be contacted for an enrollment appointment with a member of the Irmo High School Counseling Team.


NOTE:  These documents MUST be completed and notarized at Irmo High School to be accepted.  Please contact Michelle Johnson, IHS Records clerk, at or 803-476-3047 to make an appointment.     


  1. The person that owns or rents the property in which you are residing must complete this Residency Declaration Affidavit Form. The form must be notarized by a Notary Public at Irmo High School, attesting to the fact that you and your family are currently residing with the legal resident.  

  2. The person that owns or rents the property must provide THREE acceptable pieces of documentation from the above list under #2, which verifies their connection to THE PROPERTY.

  3. The parent or legal guardian, must complete this entire Residency Declaration Affidavit Form. The form must be notarized by a Notary Public at Irmo High School, attesting to the fact that all current documentation for address verification presented is true and accurate.


If the parent/guardian just moved to the address within the last 15 days, the parent/guardian will be required within  45 days from the date of enrollment, to provide two documents of mail in your name that show the address of the person with whom your family resides. Junk mail is not acceptable. Acceptable documents are: 1) paycheck stub 2) W-2 statement 3) car insurance 4) bank statement 5) state supported services 6) voter registration card 7) vehicle tax registration.PROOF OF RESIDENCE MUST BE DONE ANNUALLY.