Mission Vision and Beliefs
The Mission of the school counselors at Irmo International High School for the Arts is to provide high quality, comprehensive school counseling services to all students. Counselors customize educational experiences in order to enhance capabilities, close achievement gaps and support positive choices, through the skillful use of strategic, timely and personal interventions.
In partnering with educators, families, and the community the counselors seek to positively impact the lives of all students. There is commitment to individual uniqueness and the maximum development of human potential. Our programs are designed to empower all students to develop and enhance their academic, social and personal strengths in order to become responsible and productive citizens.
We believe that every student is endowed with the innate ability to achieve their personal goals and aspirations.
We believe that the school counseling program will be consistent with the expected developmental stages of learning.
The school counseling program will reflect the school, state, district and ASCA guidelines.
We believe that a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is not a support service but rather an integral part of the total education program.
We believe that relationships are key to being a successful student advocate, guide, and liaison between all members of the school community.
The school counseling program is continuously refined and improved through systematic review and evaluation of student performance data.